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Mexican Riviera Cruise Dance

Our club’s Mexican Riviera Cruise Dance in Exeter was another run-away success. First, thanks to the work of Cruise Director Marivel Villarreal (Co-Chair), Mary and Larry Brown, Diane Sellers, Amanda and Matthew Thurston, Harry and Mickie Frame, Suzie Carlson, Linda Guttierrez, and last but not least, our “Cruise Music” DJ for the evening, John Guttierrez. The evening was enjoyed by all who attended our “Cruise down the Riviera Coast” dance. Our committee readied the hall with inviting beach chairs, beach towels, swaying Palm trees and an actual beach with waves brushing the sand. Evidence of our traveling down the coast confirmed by looking out the port holes of the cruise ship on the west wall or Bulkhead (Navy term for you land lovers). I had to look away because I was getting seasick from the wave action! I guess I lost my sea legs long ago from my time in the Navy! The majority of the decorating ideas and props came from “Event” Director Marivel and other members. Theme decorated stage and walls and “local beach bar” tables set the stage to whisk our visitors off to an evening of cool breezes, a beautiful sunset and tasty Margaritas in tall, decorated glasses with little stick umbrellas.

The evening started off with a Cha-Cha lesson by Rei Marquez. By the sounds of the participants and Rei’s positive cheering and encouragement, I’m sure everyone came away with happy memories and sand between their toes.

Of course we must mention the delicious food and deserts prepared by all. The buffet covered the tables with inviting sights and smells and invited all to partake. Some of us made more than one trip! Obviously, this added to the atmosphere of the “cruise” evening and brought delight to our taste buds. Much thanks to all who brought the tasty dishes!

The evening continued with more dancing, introduction of the committee and guests, announcements of future dances and the door prize raffle with help from Chapter Queen Wendy Storey.

Again, much thanks to the ship’s crew for their hard work and help and to all who helped in the clean up. And I apologize to anyone I might have missed in my acknowledgements. And my thanks to all who attended and made our “Cruise down the Mexican Riviera” a success. See you all back at the port for our return drive home! Hope the traffic isn’t too bad for you!!

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